Global CIO Forum in association with International Group of Artificial Intelligence – IGOAI, GCC Council – Expo 2020 Pavillion organised an in-person event at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Court and Law Affairs. The conference focused on the use of artificial intelligence in court and law affairs which is becoming a talk in the town. Artificial intelligence belongs to technology that emulates human tasks, often using machine learning as the process to learn from data how to compete with these tasks.
The hybrid event was joined by leading leaders including Dr Jassim Haji, President, IGOAI Community; Dr Idoia Salazar, Co-founder and President, OdiseIA; Dr Lorenzo Cotino Hueso, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia; Badr Boussabat, President of Artificial Intelligence TOGETHER, Artificial intelligence Expert; Gael BOVEN, Attorney and co-founder, Art Can Die and international forum 4Blockchainers; Jorge Sebastiao, Co-Founder Global Blockchain Organisation; Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi, CEO Fintech IT Service was the moderator of the event and Dalal Buhumeida was the master of ceremony.
Artificial intelligence’s progress in court and law affairs have high expectations. At the same time, the powers of artificial intelligence have been rising so strongly that it is no longer obvious that artificial intelligence applications help in promoting a good society; in fact, they are sometimes harmful. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Court and Law Affairs aimed to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Law and Legal Practice.
His Excellency Dr Nayef Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf, General Secretary of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Dr Jassim Haji, President, IGOAI Community opened the conference with their welcome note.

Do you prefer to be judged in court by a Robot or a regular Human?

Dr Idoia Salazar, Co-founder and President, OdiseIA talked about artificial intelligence and machine learning and said, “People do not know the difference between an artificial intelligence system and a robot really. It is quite confusing for everyone. This technology has some popularity that makes us confuse. One of these is for example machines taking decisions. Before artificial intelligence, there were only humans who were making decisions. Now days we think that machines are taking those decisions. There is another question that we must ask ourselves that can a machine be ethical, can a machine be bias or the one that stay bias are humans. Another very important thing that is happening now days that these technologies go so fast. Today we are thinking about something and tomorrow we must think about different things. We must prepare ourselves all the time.”
Artificial Intelligence uses in Justice and how to do it legally

Dr Lorenzo Cotino Hueso, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia addressed the session and said, “I would like to stress that in the European Union we got a lot of problems to admit these kinds of Robotic Judges in the most advance sense. But we have a proposal for an artificial intelligence role. It is presented this year and for the first time in writing for future law, the possibility of Robotic Judges, the possibility of universities like in the case of United States that it will be used in criminal purposes and predative cases.”
Making Justice even more human thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Badr Boussabat, President of AI TOGETHER, Artificial Intelligence Expert said, “Judges will interpret more because Artificial Intelligence will give space to resolve. It will help judges to understand cases. Also, you will get higher responsibility because decision making will have a greater value. Current studies say that we will create more jobs and lately, World Economic Forum Research says that we will create more than 80 Million jobs and we will replace all these 60 Million jobs. So, if we compute it is very easy to understand that there is future for judges, there is future for human logic reasoning and Artificial Intelligence will help us to better build a new world.”
Artificial Intelligence reshapes the world of Justice

Gael Boven, Attorney and Co-founder, Art Can Die and international forum 4Blockchainers, “We are using AI tools every day. Even maybe 10 minutes before sitting on alarms, having recommendations on Spotify or Netflix, suggestions on smartphones are AI and this is why AI is defined by its father Mr John McCarthy in simple definition as Science and Engineering of building intelligent machines in the sense that you are creating machines that can duplicate, the triplicate human condition. If you take one other aspect which is called machine learning which is really interesting because machine learning gives the ability to a machine to learn from experience. That is something that is really human. That is the gift we have received from God to learn from experience, to have finally a common sense.”
Future of Digital Transformation

Jorge Sebastiao, Co-Founder Global Blockchain Organisation highlighted artificial intelligence, Bots and blockchain and said, “We are talking about changing the way you do things that means we are going to introduce elements of technology in a process that are going to disrupt the way you have been doing business. The way you have been doing law. So maybe you have been doing this for 50 years, for hundreds of years. So, today this disruption is massive and needs to be addressed because no matter how much planning you do and people like Mike Tyson planning every day, when you get hit you never know where the hit is going to come from. So, it is not about having a plan, it is about adjustments to the plans because you are living in a highly dynamic and decentralised environment of today. Everything today happens with the speed of light because everything is based on technology, networking and data and all of these elements are affecting our lives including the lawyer’s lives in a much more disruptive way.”
The conference was concluded with an interactive Question and Answer session with Dr Idoia Salazar, Dr Lorenzo Cotino Hueso, Badr Boussabat, Gael BOVEN, and Jorge Sebastiao and all the speakers were honoured with a token of appreciation at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Court and Law Affairs summit.